大小10個の平歯車とクランク、一組のピン歯車、5つのカムで繋がる街。緩やかな坂道を下ったら、それらの力が噛み合って、上へ上へと運ばれ また下る。上ったり下ったりを繰り返しながら ゆっくりと周り続ける。
何でもないことなんだけれど、それだけでうれしくて たのしくて 自然と顔がほころんでくる。この街に流れるのは、そんな ささやかで あたたかなエネルギーです。


When turning the handle clockwise, the town begin to move and the small ball circulates through the town. The town connected with 10 big and small spur gears, cranks, and a set of pin wheels and 5 cams. The ball that descend a gradual slope will be carried upwards and down again by their powers being meshed. It's continues circulating slowly while going up and down. It's nothing special, but we will feel happy just with it, and we will become smile naturally. It is such the modest and warm energy that circulates through this town.

よろこびの街 | The delight-full town